The Housing Help Association of Ontario (HHAO)
The Housing Help Association of Ontario (HHAO) is a provincial association of community based, not-for-profit organizations delivering the spectrum of free Housing Help Services that prevent and reduce homelessness. The mandate of the Association is to:
- Raise awareness and access to these services in the community
- Create opportunities for professional development and the sharing of best practices
- Build the capacity of service providers to respond to the housing support needs of their communities through networking and training
The Housing Help Association of Ontario (HHAO) increases Housing Help services as a recognizable identity, in order to strengthen homelessness prevention work for people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness across the province.
Our Principles
The HHAO believes that all people regardless of age, income, gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation or ability have the universal human right to suitable housing.
- The HHAO believes that Housing Help services form an essential community service whose core services assist people to find and keep suitable housing.
- The HHAO affirms that our member Housing Help services strive to address root causes and conditions of housing insecurity.
- The HHAO will provide a perspective and facilitate interactions with all levels of government regarding the issues, policy and decisions relating to Housing Help services.
- The HHAO supports agencies that perform the following core Housing Help services.
Core Housing Help Services:
- Housing access, stabilization and eviction prevention
- Housing support and homelessness prevention funds
- Advocacy or referral assistance
Our Principles
The HHAO believes that all people regardless of age, income, gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation or ability have the universal human right to suitable housing.
- The HHAO believes that Housing Help services form an essential community service whose core services assist people to find and keep suitable housing.
- The HHAO affirms that our member Housing Help services strive to address root causes and conditions of housing insecurity.
- The HHAO will provide a perspective and facilitate interactions with all levels of government regarding the issues, policy and decisions relating to Housing Help services.
- The HHAO supports agencies that perform the following core Housing Help services.